Exhibitor Information

Camping- Powered camping sites are available. They are a plot with electricity, you must bring your own RV. Sites are $100 for the week of the show. E-Transfer to ontariospringdiscovery1@gmail.com with reference *Name*Campsite. Camp sites are located on the West Side of Ancaster Fairgrounds.

Cattle Waste- Waste is to be dumped in one of the 4 concreted areas external to the housing barns. Please use the supplied area and dump only cattle waste + paper towel. No bottles, cans or other foreign material may be in the compost area.

Entries- Entries are now being accepted. To enter click here.

For a full list of show classes please click here.

For Late Entries contact: Holstein Ontario:  519-653-6180 or Jersey Ontario: 519-756-8300

Exhibitor Breakfast- Provided both show mornings (Wednesday & Thursday) to all exhibitors and their crew. Please ensure to know the number of staff on your team to allow for sufficient tickets to be provided. Breakfast will be served from 7am to 9am.

Herdsman Competition- The daily competition sponsored by H.S. Knill Transport is judged off of Display esthetic and overall cleanliness. We recommend having stall cards to highlight your cattle and stud. The herdsman award will be judged daily. There are two winners both Wednesday and Thursday (4 prizes of $250), these four winners will be eligible for the grand prize of $1,000.

Huts- Personal Huts/ Marquees are not permitted as a part of your string- please leave them at home.

Cattle Waste- Waste is to be dumped in one of the 4 concreted areas external to the housing barns. Please use the supplied area and dump only cattle waste + paper towel. No bottles, cans or other foreign material may be in the compost area.

Move In- Exhibitors are permitted to move into Ancaster Fairgrounds anytime from 6am on Monday April 21st and must remain on site until conclusion of Supreme Champion Judging at roughly 4pm on the 24th. All animals are required to be on the grounds by 5pm on Monday April 21st.

Parking- Is on the grassed area on the South Side of the Show Pavilion.

Program of Events- Link

Smoking- There is no smoking within the barns at any time.

Site Allocations - Will be available from 6am Monday morning. If you have a site location / tie near request please email ontariospringdiscovery1@gmail.com or call Stacey at 289-931-2208.

Wash Bays- There are 3 wash bays available for use. 1 in school fair building, and both an indoor & outdoor wash rack in the main arena. Hoses and wash supplies must be brought with you.